Sunday, June 29, 2014

Are you Philip or Rourke?

I made the drive to the southern park of Limerick to go to church today and was greeted by a gauntlet of missionaries and greeters. After saying my name to one of the Elders, I turned around to shake the hand of a man behind me, and his tone in his voice implied that he was clarifying, "[Are you] Phillip or Rourke?"

Me: "Excuse me?"

Him: "Phillip or Rourke?"

Me (smiling, but slightly confused): "Neither."

Him: "No, that's my name. I'm Phillip O'Rourke."

Me: "Ohhh. I see. Well, I'm Warren Gray."

I'll have to watch out for that prefix and Irish accent in the future.

After church, I headed out to the Cliffs of Moher (where the rope climbing scene in "The Princess Bride" was filmed). I went beyond the touristy section and opted for a less-beaten-pathy hike. There were cows there (!) but they just rolled their eyes like, "The Cliffs of Moher? psh." I trekked beyond their judging gazes and found this:
Whatever, cows. I'm impressed.

Just like the poppy fields in The Wizard of Oz, this magical setting--coupled with slight jet lag--made me sleepy. I found a nice little napping nook:

can you see the indentation of my body?

A decent vista for a nap, I suppose.
 About 20 min later, I woke up, happy that I hadn't rolled in my sleep off the cliff. Upon turning around, I discovered this cliff behind me:

"Hey, what about me??"

 I felt a lil bad for it, because everyone always takes pictures of its brothers to the south, due better image composition. But I did this cliff a solid and captured it in its 650 ft glory.

Not satisfied with a nap, I decided to hike to the top of the cliff (upper-left corner of top photo).
Similar in grade to the Great Wall, but with substantially fewer umbrellas and women in heels.
 When I finally reached the peak, I laid down on my spine at the cliff's edge and, to prove that I had one, tilted my head backward. Splayed out, I gripped the earth with my limbs as I watched the sun drop slowly down...



into the Atlantic Ocean.

I'd like to see the cows try that.

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