Saturday, June 28, 2014

Dinner with a side of soccer

After being bumped from my Thursday night flight out of JFK (thanks for the paid Friday NYC vacation, Delta!), I made my way by air to Ireland and arrived Saturday morning. Getting my car from Hertz was much more of an ordeal than usual, and they gave my fresh new Ford Fiesta to a couple who'd been waiting so long for their car that they might've slashed my tires if I'd've driven off before them. In the end I got an oldish car, which is probably for the better, as the scratches from narrow lanes/wide car(/getting used to sinistram driving) might be better hidden....

University of Limerick is a gorgeous campus in a bucolic setting, with the fragrance of cows gently wafting in the air. I'm excited to explore the running trails (no, really) and play with the swans on the River Shannon.

I succeeded in frying the power adapter for my wifi router (I promise I'd checked the input capabilities of all my other electronics!), so I took off in search for an electronics store, but stopped in a pub(ish) on campus for my first Irish meal! As would be expected, several people were watching the Chile vs Brazil game, so I caught the last ten min of the first half.

Just before the soccer player pseudo-flopped. Also, there were more people there,
although it appears like I was creepily sitting behind the only other person and taking pictures.

Then later, Brazil won (yay.) and I saw several of Brazilians walking through campus with puffed chests.

Leprechauns sighted: 0
Self-congratulating Brazilians: 6

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