Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Poulnabrone pick-me-up

Tonight was the last World Cup soccer game for the US Men's National Team. so many tears. I went to a pub downtown (Smyth's) to watch the game with a bunch of Americans. According to my new-found expertise of the sport, the US played well for the first 10 minutes, and then so-so for about an hour before an exciting rally at the end. But to no avail. Still, the US did better than expected overall (again, according to my totally justifiable analysis).

so many feels.
With the loss heavy on my heart, I feel the need to post a nice picture to lift my spirits.

I took this on Sunday, when I was driving through the Burren. It's a region that is characterized by a lot of exposed, craggy limestone and little topsoil. This is Poulnabrone Tomb, which was a portal tomb for deceased people, dating from the Neolithic Period. I happened to get there near sunset and caught a bunch of rays shining on it.

There. That makes me feel a little better.

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