Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Cramming for finals and cramming in cookies

'Twas the night before the night before finals, and in Warren's apartment,
Many undergrads were present, working the study department.

okay, that's no good and I don't have it in me to write another Limerick poem.

But there are 34 hours until the first final, and the undergrads are busy studying and "studying." Yes, discussing different modes of heat transfer and dimensionless numbers, but also chatting about the perils of imbred/purebred dogs, gender imbalance at swing dances at Georgia Tech, chomping down on ginger snaps, gushing about meeting local hurling celebrities, singing "Frozen", and playing catch-the-gummy-worm-in-your-mouth. Sure takes me back...

The best part for me is that I get to enjoying all of the "studying" activities without the responsibility of taking the exams!! Okay, but I do help teaching the material, and I do have to grade the exams. Woe is me.

Truthfully, it's pretty nice to be on this side of academia. (Don't worry, undergrads; you'll be on this side soon!)

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