Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cat pub... in Ireland?

When I checked into my hostel last night in Kilkenny, the manager recommended a pub around the corner for dinner and traditional music. It didn't interest me too much (I'd basically eaten cookies and Coke Zero for dinner) until he mentioned the name of the pub: Kitler.

Now I'm a sucker for many things cat, but Kitlers hold a special place in my furry heart as one of the first cat internet memes that I got into. Basically, they are cats that have a dark tuft of fur underneath their cute little noses that cause an uncanny resemblance to a most infamous fascist.

I'd been to a cat cafe in South Korea (absolutely magical. put it on your bucket list), but my brain almost popped when mashing together cats, Hitler lookalikes, traditional Irish music, and pubs. Really, you try it. The mind just can't even.

But it was about 9pm, and I had a blog post to write, and I'd fallen asleep in three different exhibit movies I'd attended earlier, and my belly was still full of empty calories... so I forewent the potential life-changing experience.

This morning after checkout, I passed by the hostels wall of postings from local restaurants and attractions and saw this:

Oh, it was "Kyteler", not "Kitler"! Thank the feline heavens that I didn't miss out on anything but disappointment! I thought my kitty senses told me that it was too good to be true.

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