Tuesday, July 8, 2014

German dominance means more study time

The students in the biotransport class have a midterm this Thursday, and they've been strongly advised to "study 24/7 between now and then." But the World Cup semi-finals were tonight, and some of the students are big fans of soccer. The rest of the students were made fans of Germany by the super obnoxious Brazilians who share the dorms with us.

When I showed up to go over material in preparation for the exam, I was somewhat skeptical that any studying could get done concurrently with entertainment (I've learned the hard way).

Luckily for the students, Germany creamed Brazil pretty early on and they were able to get their noses in their books.

At Germany's seventh goal, a few of the students yelled "goooaaallllll!" from the balcony towards the Brazilian students. I fully expect their windows to get egged.

Limerick isn't the college party town that Galway or Dublin would be, so it's funny to observe what the party edibles were: not beer, but rice crispy treats.

Bonus: after the game, the Irish sports channel played a montage of anguished Brazilian fans with Garth Brooks' "The Dance" in the background. It was especially fitting because Dublin citizens and Brooks are having a huge standoff about how many concerts he can play in Dublin (I didn't even know he performed anymore). But it somehow seemed a little harsh that the station would play slow-mo cries overlayed with "And now I'm glad I didn't know; The way it all would end the way it all would go." Too soon, Ireland. Too soon.

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